
Pixielover commented on my most recent post and asked: "If you had continued sunset slayers, how would it have ended?" That's a hard question because that was one of the reasons I stopped that book. I had no idea how the end would play out at all. If I gave you a simple answer then I wouldn't be able to explain the new idea I just got for the ending. So I was thinking...maybe I should just finish sunset slayer's? Yeah, I know I said that I would completely stop that book but..I kind of want to finish it. No wait, I really want to finish it. So...right now would be the time where you search up chapter 45 on my blog and re read it so that you are all caught up. Unless you already have😉. So expect chapter 46 to come on my blog very soon! Anyway, I had a wonderful thanksgiving! During the break, I finished the new book of Keeper of the lost Cities. It was quite depressing in my opinion but I'm sure other people think otherwise😌. I also started a new book. It is...