Making the most of playing indoors!

 As you know, it rained today, limiting what I could do with my cousin that came over today. The trampoline was automatically ruled out so we had to make the most of playing indoors. Although, come to think of it we did go on the trampoline out in the cold when it wasn't raining for a bit😋. Here are the answers for my game in yesterday's post of two truths and a lie!: You were correct commenters! I am horrible at whistling. Half the time I try, I end up making weird sounds with my mouth😂. At one point this morning, when me and my cousin were making things with legos- it was hailing, and it was raining and there was thunder all at the same time😱! You could barely hear someone else talking over the weather! Speaking of which, I made some cool lego creations! My cousin made a top secret disco sea hideout, and I made a super cool house with an add-on kitchen! I had a lot of fun creating those and playing with the actual lego friends with my cousin. Here are some pics of what I made with legos below:

When it started hailing and pouring, I decided to brave it out and stand outside for a couple of seconds. I deeply regret doing that...I do have a picture to prove that I did it though!
Apparently I was smiling at that point in the picture, don't know why though. Can you see the white stuff on the trampoline in the background? Yeah...that's hail. The weather was also pretty cold for the rest of the day, so that limited us still😕. Me and my cousin made a huge fort between mine and my brother's desks in our loft! We gathered blankets, pillows, chairs, and clothes pins to make the fort! Here are some pics of inside of it and of it below:

It was sad to take down the fort...but it was okay in the end! Me and my cousin also played just dance, volleyball inside version, and we went outside just to get cold so that we could go inside to snuggle up in blankets😂. One time, after we went outside on the trampoline, we went inside of the fort and my mom brought us hot chocolate and some snacks for lunch! Overall, I had a lot of fun today regardless of the bad weather! Church is cancelled tomorrow as well so we'll be stuck inside again! How was your rainy day? What did you do to entertain yourself inside of the house? Comment below! Bye! Stay positive!  


  1. There was lightning too 😆😖

    1. What I did was.. Well, we had three hours of video game time, but I slept in so I didn't know it was raining until I went downstairs 😮. When I was downstairs I heard several sounds of thunder, there was a big gust of wind which made big chunks of hail, and I saw several flashes of lightning (unless I was mistaken), and it poured. So, lovely day it was🙃, but otherwise I made two drawing timelapess' and we watched tv. Lots of electronics I'd say 😆 but I don't play by myself so... Yeah that was it 😉

  2. Yeah, for some reason mine and Brookie's room turned into a freezer, we didn't even have our air conditioner on at all!😫 I am literally under my blanket right now 😄😱🏔🌧 pretty much all we did all day was watch t.v. 😆 but hey, it was our parents who had the movies playing, I couldn't help it!😁

  3. You and Sierra really made the most of a yucky weather day! Even though we had to cancel our hike, seems like an equal amount of fun was had!

  4. We had quite a hailstorm on Sunday afternoon. I just watched Christmas movies with a fire in the fireplace and a blanket over my feet. I used to make forts when I was a kid, especially outside with the picnic table, benches, and blankets. Sounds like you made the most of your time together.


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