Happy Thanksgiving!🦃

 Whether you had a simple pumpkin pie with your family today, or you invited some relatives over for dinner- I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for my commenters! Please feel free to comment below on what you did for thanksgiving. God has blessed us with another wonderful holiday and I hope you had fun as well. 

As for who won the contest for my latest post: Congratulations to Pixielover! A special shout-out to Gryphonlover- Pixielover and Gryphonlover were two minutes apart and they both got the correct answer. Great job😃! Pixielover now gets to ask one question in the comments and I will answer it in my next post. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Stay positive!


  1. Hmmm, I don't have enough time right now to think about what I'm going to ask... But I will tomorrow!!😉

    1. Ok, I don't know if this is answerable, but I think its a great question! 😉
      If you were to continue Sunset Slayers, how would it have ended?😁

    2. Oooh! That is a good question 😉

  2. Two minutes apart!? Darn it! 😂 our cousins came over and celebrated.
    And Happy late Thanksgiving!

  3. Well, I can't comment quite yet on what we did for Thanksgiving as we are celebrating today, but I'm super excited!

  4. We had a small but delightful Thanksgiving with lots of food of course. We missed you but know you had a great time with your family as well.


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