Posts even more cards!

 Hello there! I know I haven't blogged in a long time and that's due to having a lot of things to do at night, and last night I went to youth group so I couldn't blog either. I have been working a lot on my cards lately and I thought I would show you some of them! Here are some pictures of the cards I have been doing: (They're all sideways. Sorry about that:() I'm currently in the process of working on a watercolor birthday card! I actually have figured out a way to do a watercolor paint effect with only acrylic paint and water! Other than that, I jumped on the trampoline today with my brother, played some video games with my friends, and as I said-worked on some cards! Speaking of our trampoline..some of the hooks have broken (not the springs, thank goodness😅!) But, we are going to try ordering some replacement parts on amazon so that's good! That's pretty much what I did today! I hope everyone had an awesome Hump day! Bye! Stay positive!    

A fun day at Joshua Tree!

 Hi! I went to Joshua tree today with my family to celebrate my cousin's birthday and had a lot of fun! While me and my cousins climbed on the rocks, the adults talked. Of course I'm not the most experienced climber, I'm usually to scared to climb even the shortest tree! But, with the help of my cousins and brother, I was able to make it up. Here is a picture of all of us at the top of a rock formation, taking in the view!: At one point, on a rock formation, we got up..but it was pretty hard to find a way down! When we finally got down, we ate some lunch and my cousin opened her presents! Here is a picture of that below: It was getting pretty cold at that time, so everyone had to bundle up in blankets and put extra layers on (I just realized you see my dad and uncle wearing shorts😂.) Then, we climbed a bit more but came down since I was getting a little scared. When your sometimes faced with crossing a crevice in the rocks and that's the only way get pretty s

Back at school after the break!

Hello! If you remembered, I go to in-person school on Thursdays and Fridays and distance learn the rest of the week. So, since today was Thursday, I went to school! I was really excited because we played dodge ball at P.E at school! I am actually fairly good at it (only the dodging part though😂, pretty bad at throwing at other people XD.) After getting home, me and my brother played on the trampoline, and I worked on a card! It may not be one of my best..but I still thought that I should show you it (totally not a picture to make up for the fact that I didn't take any pictures of what I  did today..😋.) Here is a picture of the card below: I have never done that confetti effect before, but I plan to get better at it because it's a useful technique on cards! I played among us with my friends, then ate some dinner while me and my family watched a show. Me and my brother went out and jumped on the trampoline during the commercial breaks😊. I read some of my book, played some Town

A fun nature stroll!

 Today, I did some distance learning in the morning and went on a nature stroll with my family! In the afternoon, I played some Animal Crossing with my cousin! I can't believe school is already tomorrow! Oh, and I am on the second book of Keeper of The Lost Cites. Here is a picture of it below: I really like this book..especially since it has an alicorn on the cover😂. I didn't get the best score on my math quiz today, and I am still in the process of figuring out what I got wrong, but we did some other fun things today that made up for it! For example, we went on a little hike with our cousins and grandparents! We hiked for about 45 minutes and the scenery was beautiful. Here is a picture of us cousins on a bridge overlooking the view: It was funny though, there was just a random bridge in the middle of the trail. It wasn't even over a river or anything..but it was perfect to take a picture on! After we were done with the hike, we cooled down with water and sat in the shad

First day back at school!

Hello there! Today was my first day back at school after winter break, and I am happy to say that I am going to school this Thursday and Friday😁. Luckily, my first day back at school, I didn't have much work to do which is really relieving. That gave me time to read, play on the trampoline with my brother, and play among us with friends! One of my new year's resolutions has been to get better at planning my weeks. Thus, I got a planner a couple of days ago! So far, so good! I have been planning pretty much every week and day as well as crossing of the days that have passed by at night. Unlike bullet journaling, all you have to do his fill out the planner and you have your week planned! I have nothing against bullet journaling, it just took a lot of time and effort to create a planner for just one week😟. Here is a picture of it below:  As you can see, it's pretty much a small binder but the cover and back is soft and squishy. Maybe I'll show you a page of my planning s

Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

 (Warning before I start😵: This post is extremely long. Read at your own risk.) Although Christmas break wasn't the same this year for us, we still made it fun with the things that we have! I made cards, went scootering on the beach, played Among Us with my friends, read and more! I can't believe 2021 has already come up! Thinking back on 2020, I never would have though it turned out that way. I can't wait for what the new year brings, I really hope COVID will end! Anyway, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas break! I will enjoy going back to blogging every night again and boy do I have a lot of pictures to show you from my break! At the beginning of the break, my mom, brother, cousins, grandpa and I went hiking. It was a great way to start off break outdoors! We got some amazing views of the mountains around us and we had a lot of fun together! Here are some pictures of that below: Scootering on the beach was also a lot of fun. I went there with my brother, and

New things!

 Helloooo! I just realized that I haven't blogged since Monday. *Pauses to sigh and get frustrated with myself* Anyway, speaking of just that topic, I am going to be stopping blogging until 2021! Don't get me wrong, I love to blog every once in a while but I think for the next couple of weeks, I don't want to feel like I have  to blog, I kind of just want to enjoy the holiday season😃! Of course, I will be posting a 'Merry Christmas' post on Christmas eve, a 'Happy new year's!' post on New year's eve and a 'Happy 2021!' post on January 1st. This whole week, I have been pretty much doing the same thing. I have been playing the game on my kindle called 'Among us' a lot with my friends so thats fun. We are also getting our downstairs bathroom remodeled! We are getting a new toilet, paint, tile, sink, faucet, and even a new shower head! (Apparently the new bathroom fan we are getting has a Bluetooth speaker built in so that you can dance