New things!

Helloooo! I just realized that I haven't blogged since Monday. *Pauses to sigh and get frustrated with myself* Anyway, speaking of just that topic, I am going to be stopping blogging until 2021! Don't get me wrong, I love to blog every once in a while but I think for the next couple of weeks, I don't want to feel like I have to blog, I kind of just want to enjoy the holiday season😃! Of course, I will be posting a 'Merry Christmas' post on Christmas eve, a 'Happy new year's!' post on New year's eve and a 'Happy 2021!' post on January 1st. This whole week, I have been pretty much doing the same thing. I have been playing the game on my kindle called 'Among us' a lot with my friends so thats fun. We are also getting our downstairs bathroom remodeled! We are getting a new toilet, paint, tile, sink, faucet, and even a new shower head! (Apparently the new bathroom fan we are getting has a Bluetooth speaker built in so that you can dance ...