A somewhat productive day

Yay! Our power hasn't gone off! (Yet...) Oh. Dang it, I just heard the wind a bit. The wind has died down for the past couple of hours but this morning it was so loud! I was worried that the house was going to fall downđŸ˜±! (But then again, I do get scared of ridiculous things. Like for example once I got very scared when we were at a beach with huge waves. I thought that the waves would engulf us or would turn in to tsunamis😂) Anyway, this morning I did school on zoom. I would be going to school today and tomorrow but, I had really bag allergies last week and my mom had to answer a health screening for our school. Which meant that she mentioned my runny nose. The school nurse said that I should stay home just to be safe. Although I no longer have any an trace of a runny nose. I finished up a school assignment with a friend and played some animal crossing with her as well. After that, I set up my new Chromebook! Our school got new Chromebooks and they were even still in their boxes! So I set that up and then started working on the newsletter I send out every month to my family. I got the whole thing done and all seven copies are out in the mail right now😃! That's why I named this post what I named it. This is too long of a paragraph so right now I'm just gonna insert a 


Picture! Sorry, I couldn't include that up above because the picture makes everything super wonky so I can't put any more words up there. I read a bit today and then we watched a show while eating my mom's homemade mac'n' cheese! That stuff is crazy good😝! Well, I promise that I will absolutely start on brainstorming for S.S (Sunset Slayers) tomorrow. I just wanted to get the newsletter done. Bye! Stay positive! 


  1. I don't think being scared of big waves is unreasonable at all! I'm so thankful our power wasn't turned off. Knowing friends of ours were out of power for over a day makes me extra thankful!

  2. Also glad you did not get a power outage. That wind alone would be scary for me. Thankful you are feeling better too. Have a great weekend.


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