Washi tape!

 Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I have been a bit busy. Today was my dad's birthday and we all had a lot of fun! We had monkey bread for breakfast, and Chinese food for dinner to celebrate! My dad opened the card that I made him and he really liked it. My friends say that I am too descriptive of the things that I eat each day😂. So I will try to keep the descriptions short😊. I also got some washi tape yesterday. If you don't know what washi tape is, it is decorative tape that comes in all sorts of patterns, designs, and colors. I got my own set and here is a picture of it below:

I don't know what I am going to use it on yet, but I thought it would be good to have washi tape on hand for crafts that I do. I discovered that I had enough money for a omg doll that I really have been wanting😀! However, before I buy it I have decided to make a list of pros and cons to see if it is a really good choice to buy it. Here is the picture of the doll that I want to buy below:
Comment below if you think I should buy her or not! Anyway, I had a math test today and I am deciding to wake up early tomorrow to finish it up. It's very hard for me to not triple-check on tests😩. So wish me luck on that test and another test that I start tomorrow that will probably be even harder😓. I have been going on the trampoline a lot lately. In fact, I zoomed with my friends on it today! I also played with my neighbors on it. You know the game mummy mummy come alive? It's a game that literally everybody plays on their trampoline but for some reason I have not done it yet on our trampoline😲. So I played that with my friends today and we had a lot of fun! I am kind of getting back into drawing again...kind of. Well, I think that's a wrap for this post! Have a wonderful rest of your Friday eve! (And if you are reading this on Friday then I hope you have an amazing Friday😁) Alright, Bye! Stay positive!  


  1. Listing pros and cons for a doll is a marvelous idea! I pretty much do that ever time I am going to buy something lol 😂. I hope to enjoy your wasn't tape! Also, I would say I think you should buy Kitty K, but I'm not the one spending money on her, so I'm going to leave it up to you to decide 😇👍

    1. Gosh, I meant I hope YOU enjoy your washy tape 😂 it sounded so much like I was saying I was going to use it (and i meant washy not wasnt)😅 evil auto correct

  2. kinda huh? Last time you said you'd draw with us you brought all Your coloring supplies, then you ended up making a "omg doll skit," and in the end you hadn't drawn a thing 😌. Your addicted to that whole "Friday eve" thing 😅 also with the whole food thing, first of all, it's just one of those things when your watching tv and a food show turns on, and you just happen to be hungry 😂

  3. Enjoy crafting with your new tape set. Maybe you can make a lot of tape bracelets to go with your mermaid costume? Good luck with your doll decision. Have a great weekend.


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