Vicious guineas🐹

 Hi guys! Sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday. Me and my brother were jumping on the trampoline late. The trampoline has defininlty been getting a lot of use lately! I just learned how to do a front flip but I can't post any videos anymore on this computer so I can't post a video of me flipping😔. Another thing that we do on the trampoline is go on it when there are commercial breaks. When we watch movies on a certain channel, there are commercial breaks that take up to three minutes! Me and my brother go out in our backyard and jump on the trampoline until the commercial break is done😂. Yesterday, I actually drew something. I know...surprising right? I usually zone out of drawing when I'm doing it...😬. Anyway, I am now tracing the poses of anime characters and practicing hair, clothes, and shoes on them to get better at those things. The bodies of the people I draw are often the hardest thing for me so I thought this would be an easier way to draw. Turns out..I was right! Here is a pic of the girl that I worked on yesterday:

I know it doesn't look that good but I am still learning😉! We watched our online church service today and I played some video games. I also played video games with my friends and jumped on the trampoline with them. Although the trampoline does get me bruises, and rug-burns, and's worth it cause of all the fun😝! Can you believe it? I read five chapters of my friend's book this morning! I am usually not able to read that much chapters of her book at one time because of how busy I am...but I did it this time😃! It was SO hard to stop reading but I persevered😂. Your probably wondering why the name of this post is called 'Vicious Guineas'. Well, your about to find out😁! (Oof, I am putting way too much emojis in this post...sorry!) I just came upstairs now and was about to give my guinea pigs some food when I saw this sight:
Apparently the guineas really wanted food! Look at those teeth🐹😂! I hope you enjoyed this post! Oh probably want an update on what I am doing with my book. Ok so here it is: I am not going to continue my Sunset Slayers book. However, I am in the process of possible brainstorming for a new book. For some reason the random name Karina appeared in my mind and I think maybe I want one of my characters to be named that when I write this new book. But, I don't know🤷. While I was scrolling through the emojis to find the one that I was looking for...I found this one which shouldn't even be considered and emoji: 🥴. Seriously, what kind of emoji is that? Ok, bye now! Remember: Stay positive!


  1. Lol, Oreo thinks that one day he'll have bit on that cage so much that the bar will snap! 😂, btw that's a great drawing! 👍 also, that must have been some strange emoji, so strange the emoji isn't there! 😲

    1. Or is THAT the emoji?? That's what it normally shows when you can't use the emoji so....

  2. You go for it! I honestly think Karina is a Very good name!😍 it also might help you to brainstorm more with your new book. I always understood that you probably didn't have much time to brainstorm Sunset Slayers since you were going to do a chapter every day (not that it made it any less fun to read!) Plus, I can now understand how busy you must be... Ehem, there was this one time after I got done with school (I get done at normally around 1:00-1:30) and I had this Big list of stuff I wanted to do, and I thought: " I'll probably be able to do it all today! " Well, I decided to start on some thing I wanted to draw, but by the time I finished the ONE drawing, it was like, 5:00 pm! 😂 I didn't even get to do more then one of the things I had on my list lol.

    1. Also I love how Oreo's like: "Give me my food or I will rip this cage to shreds!"
      and Moose (or should I say Meese) is like: * stares through the cage bars with a innocent look in his eyes, giving Kendall the Cute Eyes as he awaits his food*😂

  3. I LOVE your drawing! And what a great idea to modify your drawing experience by tracing what is the hard part for you (the body) so you can focus more on what you love and are better at! And, yes, that is a vicious pic of your piggy!

  4. Wait, hold on, I just realized this but, is the main character's name in Victorious Tori???😏

  5. That drawing is really good! I am a terrible artist so I'm glad that gene did not get passed on to you. Practice does make perfect...or close enough!

  6. Oreo looks like this picture of King Kong I've seen where he's throwing his head back and roaring and beating his chest. HA!

    That IS a cute girl/clothes drawing! Do you have any paper dolls? When I was young, I LOVED designing clothes for the paper dolls. My friends and I designed TONS of clothes--we just lay the paper doll on the paper and drew the clothes we wanted to make, cut them out and decorated them. Then you don't have to draw the girl. You just put the clothes you designed up to the paper doll. Maaaaany hours I spent doing that. HA!



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