Trampoline time!!

 Yay! We got the trampoline up today! It arrived in a package a couple of days ago and we unpacked all of the contents and put it together today. Me and my friends were playing just dance and then my dad came in and asked us if we wanted to help. We stopped playing just dance immediately and sprang up to open the door! We worked for about an hour and half with my dad to complete it. There were some pretty hard parts where we thought we would have to continue the next day but we persevered and got it done! So a HUGE thank you to my dad, Brookie, and Hailey. Brookie and Hailey did say that is was worth putting together the trampoline to jump on it๐Ÿ˜€. Here is a picture and some videos of it:

Ugh!! I forgot I can't upload videos on this computer anymore๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜“! Well, I'll post some more pics of us actually jumping on the trampoline tomorrow. Me and my friends jumped on the trampoline for a while after we completed it. After dinner, me and my mom took blankets out to the trampoline and sat under the stars and talked. That was really peaceful! Other than that today, I did my school in the morning and was very happy because it is the weekend! I get super excited for weekends now that I am doing distance learning...not sure why๐Ÿ˜ถ. Me and my mom are planning on eating breakfast on the trampoline tomorrow morning๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿณ. Oh yeah, and instead of getting a ten foot trampoline..we got a 12 foot one instead! And now it's time to stop stalling and tell you something pretty important. I am thinking about stopping my book and re writing it. I don't like little to anything that  I have put in it and I feel like I have a lot of room for improvement with my writing. Now, if I did do this then I wouldn't post the updated chapters one my blog, I would finish the whole entire book if I rewrote it. Another thing; if I did do this it would be quite a long time before you would see chapters of my book on my blog again and I mean months. So, I am thinking about maybe posting a story that I am doing for school. We have been learning about greek mythology lately and we are required to write a story about it. This project will take course of a quite a few months so this would be a great replacement for my story if I did it. I am sorry about that, I know it wouldn't be very exciting to read a story about greek mythology...

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Anyway, I hope that you all have an amazing weekend! Thank you for being so understanding about my taking a break with my book. Bye! One more thing- Stay positive! 



  1. Yes, the trampoline was worth it ๐Ÿ˜. Also, I can completely understand about you not posting your book till the complete thing is done (I actually did that with one of my books on my blog๐Ÿ‘) I will still enjoy anything else you do on your blog! So you needn't worry about me๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. It's understandable ๐Ÿ˜Œ hope you didn't get big bites! ๐Ÿ˜ I think writing a story from Greek Mythology sounds interesting, and I don't like history stuff ๐Ÿ˜† good luck with your project (and getting the book back together *eventually*)

  3. I think the trampoline was WELL worth it! So fun to see you jumping. And I agree, it's quite peaceful out there at night, staring up at the sky. :)

  4. Well, good for you! Stay safe! PLEASE!!!!


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