The weekend

 Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't been blogging lately, I have been wanting to relax during my nights more and more😁. Anyway, today I woke up and helped my dad and brother clean our car. We usually do this every two weeks. After we were done with that, I hopped on my scooter and went alongside my family (Who walked) to go to the donut shop! I got a maple donut. I usually get a maple buttermilk donut but those donuts aren't as tasty as they are at another shop. I've been saying donut too much..haven't I🍩? I'm making your mouth water😋. After we got back, I played some Legends Of Zelda (I have been playing that a lot lately) and then I read a lot. I spent most of my time this morning in what I call: 'The Reading Cove" which consists of my bed, and on the bed is a pillow on the edge (Which makes a sort of cove), a blanket (Because I turn my fans on high so that I am extra cold), and my book. I spent quite a bit of time there this morning with my books, reading away! Man, if only I had gotten a picture of that...Well anyway, we are getting the trampoline tomorrow! So excited😀😃😄!! Actually, we're just getting the parts tomorrow. I don't think we will have it all set up by tomorrow but at least sometime this upcoming week! So, here is a pic of what the trampoline looks like that we are going to get:

I know, it has a basketball hoop🏀. We didn't intend for that, we just happened to stumble across that feature on the one that met our standards. I don't know what we will do with the hoop as none of my family members or me play basketball. But maybe I could make up a new sport? Like, I don't know...Trampolineball? Yeah, I don't know, I'll have to come up with something. So that's pretty much what I did today! In comments mentioned in my last post, Brookie and Hailey said that "The rope" is really fun. Hmm, sounds interesting I've never heard of that game before! I'll have to check it out, it sounds really fun! Well, I think that's a wrap for this post! I hope everyone has a nice day! Oh and one more thing...stay positive!


  1. Is that a bitmoji? It looks really cute😊 donuts, yum! Yes, you do like to make our mouths water😂

  2. Also I like [what I'm assuming is] your bitmoji 😊

  3. We didn't know you were getting a trampoline!! You gonna invite us over to try it out once you get it?! =) - Aunt Susan

  4. Don't tell me when you get hurt on that trampoline! I'm sure you will have lots of fun, but don't be careless!


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