Taking a break

 Hi! Now this isn't a blog post, but it isn't a chapter either. So right now your probably like...what's this post for? First off, I wanted to let you all know how appreciative I am of you supporting my book. This is the first book that I have actually made progress on and I am happy with it. (Well, save for a few parts in the book that I don't like) Anyway, writing the end of a book is a lot to take in. Not to mention you want readers to be left on a cliff hanger or you want there to be an epic showdown between the evil and the good people in the very last chapter. One thing I wish that I had done more of for this book: I wish I had brainstormed more. I literally have thought of what to make my chapters about on the spot and that makes the chapters look rushed and not very well-written. So, I am not going to make the same mistake twice. I'll be taking a little break from writing my chapters. I don't know exactly how long this break will be..all I know is that I need to think of what will happen first before I make it happen. I am sorry, I know that you were probably hoping for a chapter or a blog post but; I hope you found this post useful. Anyway, I hope you all have a 

amazing rest of your week! Bye! (Sorry the spacing is a bit weird. I had to fit in the bitmoji)



  1. That's completely understandable! I mean, I'd go mad if I had to do a chapter every *or almost every* day 😝 even if I brainstorm while I write the chapter

  2. Ah ha! I KNEW you'd leave us on a cliffhanger!! 😆 yes, I completely understand, there is no way I'd enjoy writing a book if I had NO idea what I was doing,😁. Tbh, I think it'll also be good for you to give yourself a break so you can take the time to think things out 😊

    1. I agree 😌😊 I'm writing short stories or "legends" for Gryphainia, and I had a thought of doing one every other day, I might TRY that, but don't get your hopes up cuz we've been watching Once Upon A Time at night, so I won't have much time 😉

  3. I think that is very wise to really put thought into how you want the book to end. The ending to a book is so vital to the whole story!

  4. Good choice, Kendall. Looking forward to a well-thought-out ending.


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