Sleeping on a trampoline!

 Hi everyone! Last night me and a friend slept on the trampoline so I couldn't blog. We had a super fun time! Although I wished we would have gone out there later in the night because we kind of ran out of things to do..we still had so much fun! We did challenges and the punishments for losing were doing forward rolls in the grass or doing cartwheels across the yard from one side to another. Since it was cold last night, we practically took our whole supply of blankets and put them out on the trampoline for us to use. There was a 30-40% chance of rain later in the morning but me and my friend didn't really care if we got rained on or not๐Ÿ˜‚. Anyway, here is a picture of us on the trampoline all set up:

We had an awesome breakfast of orange cinnamon rolls! There was a light sprinkle and light rain when we both woke up so we just decided to play it safe and bring all the blankets, pillows etc. inside. Here is a picture of us eating breakfast:
Overall, spending the night on the trampoline was SO much fun and I can't wait to invite more friends over to do it with me! Today, my guinea pig Oreo was taking advantage of the new bedding in his cage, and was settling down for a nap when I took this picture๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿน:
I also played quite a bit of a game called Among Us on my kindle. Here's what among us is about in a nutshell:
There are about 10 players in each round and there is one imposter. The imposter's job is to go around killing the other people in the game which are the crew mates. The crew mates' job is to complete a bunch of tasks on the space ship that they are on and try to guess who the imposter is. 
Here is a picture of the app below:
So..we went to the thrift store yesterday and I am being a...I'm not gonna tell you until I have a picture of my costume! (I really had you thinking that I was going to tell you what I was being, huh?) The only hint I am giving is that I am not being a mermaid anymore. There were some things in the thrift store that let's just say..caught my eye and my creativity went wild! Well, I think that's a wrap for this post! Remember: Stay Positive!



  1. Cool! I'm glad you had fun, I had no idea it rained earlier, guess I was really tired ๐Ÿ˜…. You really did make me think you were going to say your costume. I'm being Sylveon, but its getting so close to Halloween and I still have to make it ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I should be a Gryphon some time ๐Ÿค”...

    1. I don't see how you could've made it through the night without turning into a ice block ๐Ÿ˜– its so cold!

    2. Brookie would never be able to survive even half way through the night without turning into a living ice sculpture ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. I'm going for a "Halloween only lasts one night so lets make this costume simple" type thing, the only thing I had to make was the necklace adornments (cause if you have read Keeper of the Lost Cities you would know about Sophie's adrenal of necklaces) and the rest are clothes I gladly have ๐Ÿ˜Š. Good thing its not going to be hot ๐Ÿ˜‚ cause ill probably be wearing long sleeves and some leggings๐Ÿ˜‹

  3. I'm so glad you were able to sleep outside and even more glad you didn't get rained on (because I disagree with you and think it would NOT have been fun to get all wet!!). Your Halloween costume is beautifully "majestic"! Hehe!

  4. Sounds like a fun evening. You are lucky you have an adventurous friend. I can't wait to see your creative costume.

  5. Yes, that "night under the stars" on the trampoline sounds...uh, fun? Fun for you, anyway, and that's what counts! Can't wait to see the piggies new cage bedding the next time we keep them. Much prettier than the brown they've always had. Do you get 10 of your friends to play Among Us? Is that what you do? I think I'd be sad if I were playing it--having to kill people :(

    Looking forward to this "my creativity went wild" costume!

  6. Oops, that last entry was from me--Nana :)


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