New series!

 Hi everybody! Before I start this post I would like to recommend AMAZING stories from both of my friends Gryphonlover and Pixielover (Those are their blogger names😊) for Pixielover, her blog link is:

And for Gryphonlover it's: your probably wondering why this post is named new series and now is the part where I tell you why. I have been watching a TV show on Netflix called "Victorious" And it's not necessarily new but I did just start watching like a month ago so...Anyway, here is a picture of it below:

I jumped quite a bit on the trampoline today and hung out there this evening with my mom. The sky is really breathtaking when all the stars are out🌌. Honestly, sometimes I can't even tell the difference between stars and airplanes at night😂! So I wanted to ask all of you how you feel about the situation I am in right now with my book. I have two options: 1- Start the book over with the same plot line but new and improved so that I like it. 2: Start a completely different book. Comment below on what you think I should do! I think it would be a great experience for me to do either but there are pros and cons for each so it's a little hard to decide😬. I was looking at guinea pig costumes on amazon today to see if buying one would be a good idea but the chances are low of me doing that. The guinea pigs would only wear their costumes once a year on Halloween and it might not even fit them. But, I did think that it would be fun to show you some adorable pics of other guinea pigs in their costumes:

Well...I think that's a wrap for this post! I hope everyone is having a great start to their week! Bye! Stay positive! 


  1. Honestly, I'd keep your story. Think about how much all of us enjoy reading it. Would you really want to dispose of months of work? I'd finish, and then start a new story the way you want it.

  2. My favorite part about those guinea pig pictures are their expressions. They look the opposite of thrilled. Ha! I think you should finish your story, then start a new one. I think you would end up getting bored if you were to rewrite what would overall be the same story (but with a few differences).

  3. Lol, they do look the opposite of happy 😂 I like the ice cream Sunday costume! Also you'll find my new chapters as well as book 2 on my new blog 😅😉

  4. I agree, me and Brookie would never be able to completely redo something, even if there are some changes👍 so I also think you should finish the book and then if you want, do a new one. But also, if you really wanted to, you would be on the second book, and who said you couldn't change some stuff there? I mean, I've realized that through out your book, there are ALWAYS changes, if you were to read the first chapter, and then read the last chapter in the book. I hope this makes sense 😂. Also, I LOVE that I've cream costume😍😍 it's the cutest!

  5. I think the corn-on-the-cob costumes is the cutest. I didn't even know they made costumes for guinea pigs. What will they think of next? By the way, your haircut looks really cute. I'm glad you like it too. Would you mind directing me to your book again? I seem to have forgotten how I get to it.

    1. Yup! There should be a little icon on the top right of your screen that looks like a magnifying glass. Click on it and then type in whatever chapter you are on. For example, if you wanted to get to chapter would simply type 'Chapter 1' in the space and search through the results until you find the one that you want😊


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