Ideas anyone?

 Hello to everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful start to your week so far! Today, I worked on another math test. Cross your fingers that I get a good score! I will probably get my score by tomorrow. I also played some video games with my friends. I am thinking about getting a new controller for my brother's video game system. I was thinking about getting one that has designs from one of my favorite video games- Legends of Zelda Breath of the Wild. Zelda is my favorite character on it😊. Here is a picture of it below:

There is one that my neighbor has that I really like too, but the only problem would be telling them apart...hmm. Here is a picture of what that one looks like below:
 Comment below on which one you think I should get! I also played a game that I recently downloaded on my kindle called Pou. It is a game where you take care of your very own poop💩! I know it sounds weird but it is actually quite fun! You can feed it, put it to sleep, play games with it, help it drive, and do all sorts of things! Here is a picture of the app below:
When I was playing with my friends on the trampoline today, we all were very bored and had no ideas of what game to play. We have tried Mummy Mummy come alive but one of my friends got a lot of rubs, scratches, and bruises from it so she doesn't want to play it until she heals. Any ideas for games that don't get people hurt? Comment below😉! Does anyone have any ideas on how to make my mermaid costume? Grandma, your idea is very creative but only one thing...I don't know how to sow, or stitch, or knit😕. Is there any other ideas? That's why I named this post 'Ideas anyone?' because of my costume and because of the trampoline. Well..I think that's a wrap for this post! Remember to comment below on the things that you think I should do! Have a wonderful start to your week! Oh and one more thing...stay positive! 


  1. How does a poo drive? Huh, the games people make these days😅 Join the Zelda club! I think you should get the same controller I have, then maybe one day brookie will get it too and we can all be machies! Also, if you're looking for a "no sew" type thing for your costume, I honestly don't know what to do...😵 something you can do, however, is get a long dress (maybe with a cute ombre color theme) and cute the bottom to make a tip like a mermaid tale?🤔 then, does the Dollar Store have, like, fake flowers and shells? If they do, all you need it something like that and your best friend The Hot Glue Gun. Of course this all depends on what you're allowed to spend, and I'm no Dress Pro so I have no idea how much money that would be, but hey, this is just me throwing out an idea😅

  2. Personally, I think you should get a Harry Potter controller!! Here is a website I found with some games to play on trampolines.

  3. There used to be this product called Stitch Witchery that is an iron on strip that adheres to fabric-FYI. Sorry, but the app sounds disgusting-ugh! Maybe put the controller on your Christmas list?

  4. I'd like to get a controller soon- sometime 😅 I'm saving up for something else right now..


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