Good news!!

Guess what??? We're getting a trampoline!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents even told me tonight instead of tomorrow! It will be my Christmas present from them๐ŸŽ… but it is going to be worth it! We're actually getting it right now too! (Well we are ordering it soon, I don't mean that we are in a store looking for a trampolinesd right now๐Ÿ˜‹) There are so many things that I am planning to do with it! Here are some things that I want to do on the trampoline that we get
-Learn how to flip (I'm still a bit scared to do it..)
-Spend the night on the trampoline
-Let our guinea pigs roam around the trampoline
-Spray water on the floor of the trampoline 
-Hang out with my family 
-Play board games 
-Learn how to do WAY more tricks on the trampoline
Sorry, am I going a bit too overboard? I am just REALLY excited that we are getting one! Ok, I'll try to stop talking about the trampoline now..๐Ÿ˜. Onto another subject, I am very grateful for the books that were recommended! Anne of Green Gables is 17 points on this program! And that is a lot! But, I will get started on those books a little later. Right now, I am reading a book called "Super gifted" By Gordon Korman. If you would like to read it, I would highly recommend reading "Ungifted" first because "Supergifted" is the sequel to "Ungifted" Whoa! That's a lot of book names in one sentence! Anyway, here is a picture of it below:
So I read some of that today, played some Legends Of Zelda, and got some schoolwork done. I am really excited for this weekend because my parents are planning something fun to do at the beach๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒŠ on Sunday! That's pretty much what I did today! I'm sorry that like literally 1/3 of this post was ideas for the trampoline we are going to get. Yeah...I think I went a little too overboard...Well I think that's a wrap for this post! Thanks again for the book suggestions! I will let you know when I start to read any of the books mentioned in the comments. I will get to them, it might not just be right now๐Ÿ˜‰. I hope that everyone has a good night's sleep for the last day of the week! (Whoa, I didn't mean to rhyme) Alright, bye! Stay positive! 


  1. You can NEVER go overboard with a trampoline! I used to know do a front flip on it, but last time I tried... Let's just say the trampoline beat up my nose, and I've been scared to try ever sense๐Ÿ˜…. But one thing you should add on that list is The Rope, it's really fun!!๐Ÿ˜

  2. Your excitement for the trampoline makes ME so excited!! I'm glad I can be included in some of those activities (like just hanging out under the stars). :) Your new book sounds super interesting!


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