Christmas and Halloween🎄🎃

 Hi everyone! Today me and my friends played dolls out on the trampoline😀! We only played for a little though because we were tired from jumping on the trampoline before hand. I forgot to tell you but I got an amazon catalog for kids. Every year around this time, an amazon catalog for kids comes in the mail with stickers and all kinds of fun activities! I know it may sound a little boring but when we got it a couple of days ago, it signaled the start of the holiday season. Here is a picture of it below:

Agh! I can hardly wait until Christmas!🎄😃 And for Halloween, I have been thinking about what I want to be lately. No one really knows if Halloween is happening this year anyway but, I think it's good to be prepared just in case it does happen. And the worst case scenario would be wearing a mask or gloves while you hand out candy and that's no big deal! Anyway, I was thinking about being a mermaid🧜. I wish I could post a pic of the costume I plan on copying to make, but I don't have one. Our parents don't really want to spend any money on Halloween costumes this year so we will have to make our own. I don't know how I will be able to make my own mermaid costume but I will figure something out if I am a mermaid😁! Still debating weather or not to get the doll that I want...😕. I had a math test today and I did not get a good score on it😭. But, I know that teachers don't care about the score, they care about that you tried your best. That's pretty much what I did today but I hope you all had a great day too! And another great's the weekend! No more school for two more days! Yay! Alright, bye! Oh...and more thing, stay positive!


  1. My mom doesn't want to spend much either, all I desire is wolf ears and a wolf tail, that's it. One of my friends is making her whole costume, and it sounds like a big project 😅.
    We don't get catalogues or magazines anymore 😬

  2. A mermaid sounds cute!😍 there was a point in time when I was thinking about being a fairy 😊 but when I think of a fairy, I think of a cute dress covered in flowers with a flower crown, or course the wings, and cute decor, so I decided on Sophie Foster from keeper of the Lost Cities 😁. I already have the perfect boots, and I can make a Ruwen Crest pin my self, (all I need are some cute gloves and a cloak...)

    1. Lol, if you got that mermaid costume for Oreo 😆 (even tho I'd be kinda awkward since... You know, Oreo's a boy)

  3. Yes...although I DO love Halloween, I've have not been much for spending money on at costume that you'll only wear for a couple of hours. :( But, we always end up having fun and you come home with loads of candy, which is one of the more important aspects of Halloween!!

  4. Maybe take a 2-3 cheap, old king-sized pillowcases, cut the bottom out of them, stitch together, slip it on, attach some colorful paper scales, some straps, and go from there. Or, wear your bathing suit top over the pillowcases??????? Have fun.


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