Chapter 45

 Chapter 45

“That’s scary mommy.” I say as I snuggle up in the blankets next to her. The main character in the movie has just been captured by the bad guy! And even worse, they knocked her unconscious! Mommy says that she is preparing me for the real world. Personally, I think that the real world is too scary. Weird things have already been happening to me. Don’t even get me started on the river accident. But nevertheless, I keep watching the movie and enjoying the buttery popcorn that my mom has made for me. That was a memory I remember from when I was only seven years old. It’s pretty weird how my mom prepared me for something like this. Did she know that this would happen? Did she know that I would be brought into some crazy elvin world where I am a rare one? Did she know that the bad people would specifically follow me? Not anyone else?

I sigh, the movement hurts my lungs like acid has just been poured down them. I flail again, and again. It is no use. I have been brought somewhere that I do not know. Somewhere where I cannot see or hear. All I can do is touch. The things I can touch are: My leg bonds, my cold metal not-soft-at-all bed, and the cool fabric of my shirt. I don’t know what has happened. I think I have been captured. I think I have maybe been drugged, or something horrible like that. I have been in this situation before: only that I woke up in a room full of smiling faces and medicines that could heal me as quickly as a snap. But here, there were no smiling faces. There is just the cold, hard metal. Relax a voice in my head soothes me. At least you can think. If you can think...then there might be a way to escape. Part of me wanted to say escape? Fat chance at that. But the other part of me, the more sensible and nice part says you can do this Byleth.

It’s funny how my other name used to be Blythe. I wasn’t very fond of the name but Byleth. I could live with that. I could live with it as long as the rest are fine with it. I think of all my friends, the same old people. At least this was something away from the boring days of Mentalia. At least something new was happening, even though I don’t necessarily like it. So I try to feel happy as I gather up the power I need to break my bonds. I try to smile as another breath brings me another hacking fit. And I try to smile as I realize I don’t have enough energy to get myself out of here. I am sitting up now, though the pain in my back is unexplainable. I am determined now, if I can get outside of here, then maybe I can explore and escape Hawthorne too. If I am in Hawthorne that is. I know that I am probably in some super secret underground cave. Or maybe a prison built specifically for targets. But, I do hope that I am somewhere that someone can find me.

I let out a breath. When can I open my eyes? When can I finally see where I am? I try to open them but they don’t budge. It feels like someone shut them and they can’t reopen again. I muster up barely enough strength to open them though. I am in a dark room. Silver chests line the walls and other metal tables lay out on either side of the one I sit on. I see some moving, some not moving lumps on the tables. I realize with horror that they are people. I am not Lamia’s only target, there are others too.    


  1. What's that all supposed to mean, the scene was really hard for me to picture.. 😢 would u possibly be able to clarify? 😌

    1. Oh wait, I reread it and it's more clear now πŸ˜‰

    2. What I thought of was pretty much she is chained to a table-like bed, the bonds on her wrists are long enough for her to sit up, but otherwise she is straped to the table. That's what I thought of when I read it πŸ˜‰


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