Chapter 43

 Chapter 43

“You what?” Nixon gives Rayonetta a death stare so intense that he could stare through her. “Hey! You weren’t doing anything! What was I gonna do? Ask you guys to help me? Uh.. no. I work better alone plus, you all would be like obsessing about your drama like ‘why is blah blah blah avoiding me? Or, ‘are we together or not?’” Rayonetta smiles when my face turns bright red. Corrin sighs. “You could have told us? Better than doing something than not trying at all.” Corrin emphasizes. “Did you seriously hear what I just said?” Rayonetta scowls. “Stop!” I don’t realize the voice is mine until everybody comes to stare at me. “Why don’t we calm down? Rayonetta might have been feeling a little left out or something…” I trail off as I remember Rayonetta’s crush on Will. She stares at her vans, trying not to look up at any of us. 

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Will asks, scooching his chair closer to the chair Rayonetta sits in. “I just thought you would be so busy with everything, you would forget about the girl that came along with you and was controlled by Lamia. Just face it, I’m an outcast and I was banished from the sunset tribe. None of you like me as a friend and none of you ever will like me as a friend, I might as well just go back to being secluded in my room.” Rayonetta sighs and gets up to leave but Will grabs her arm before she can go. She turns bright red at the gesture, and turns toward the group again. She looks away as she pulls a black corked bottle, just like the one I found from Zelena with the note and the rhinestone inside. “I found this on my bed yesterday morning. I opened it and it said that I needed to talk to you.” Rayonetta explains. “Did it have anything else in it?” Corrin asks. “Hey Rayonetta? Can I talk to your real quick?” I ask Rayonetta. I look at Nixon, poised to get up from his chair. “Privately?” I add. Rayonetta nods shyly and follows me down the hall. 

I bite my lip. “You are an amazing friend.” I start out with. “Yeah, but you also have Nixon, and Will, and Amelia, and Gen, and Corrin.” Rayonetta says miserably. “I know I do, but I want you to be a part of that. I know we didn’t exactly get off on the right side. But, I know we can be friends, and I would love to get to know you better. Plus, Amelia is avoiding me, and Gen is working long shifts at the salon so I don’t have much friends to hang out with other than the three over there.” I point to Corrin, Nixon, and Will staring at us talking anxiously. “I have been getting a little tired of them, especially that one.” Rayonetta laughs as I point to Nixon. His humor is great, but it does get especially annoying sometimes when he talks about Weth.

P.S My own character has inspired me! I may cut my hair as short as Rayonetta's! Well, maybe a bit longer.💇  


  1. Oh wow, who are you and what have you done to Kendall? The girl who didn't like her hair short?😂 J.K. I think you should go for it😉 💇off with the hair *not completely lol!*

  2. Yeah, you literally TOLD me When I said "I'm glad I cut my hair!" and you replied "if you like it, but I'm NEVER getting my hair cut short EVER AGAIN 😆" lol, I think you should go for it! If you like to mess with and/or style your hair, I suggest not. But that's just my advice, trust me, but I don't know much about hair styling because I hate having my hair done 😅 plus, if you change your mind, hair grows back!


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