Card art!

 Hi everyone! You have probably noticed that every Tuesday, I do not post anything. I am clarifying right now that yes, I will not be posting on Tuesday's and have not been posting on Tuesdays. The reason why is because I go to my church ministry at 6:30 and then it goes until 8:00, then we don't get home until about 8:30 so I don't have any time to blog. Guess what? Our church now has church for middle schoolers on Sunday's! Yay! We finally have church to go to on Sundays😃. Anyway, remember that washi tape that I mentioned in a couple of posts earlier? I put it to use today! I was brainstorming what kind of style I wanted to use for a birthday card to my teacher when I got out the washi tape and made a cool card! I thought a unique style would be to put the washi tape in a square around the card. It turned out to be really cute, here is a picture of it below: (Sorry it's sideways!)

This card was also my first pop-up card too! At first I was like 'Um..making pop-up cards is to hard' is actually quite easy and fun! Here is a link to the website I used to make mine:
Let me know if this website is helpful to you! Today, I also read on the trampoline with my brother. I finished one book and started another of my second cousin's book series. It's the dystopian one that I have been taking a break of for a while since I needed to read other books for school. Here is a picture of the new book I just started on below:
For thoughts regarding a new book that I am thinking about making; I have only come up with some names that I will probably use in the book. However, a plot line may pop into my head sometime soon and I might get started with actual brainstorming😉. You never know! I hope you enjoyed this post! Thanks for reading! Stay positive!


  1. You finally used the washy tape! I hope to see your book soon 😃

  2. That card is adorable!😍 I'm glad you got the washy tape to some use😁. I made a pop up card once, but it was a long time ago and it was a big flower-type thing, and it was very difficult for me so I don't do pop up cards much. I'm glad you found it fun though!

  3. You have come SO FAR in your cardmaking. I think back to before you knew how to create all these cool fonts. Wow! Your cards are quite professional looking and I have enjoyed purchasing them for various occasions. :)

  4. I had been going to ask if you were going on Sunday morning and then I saw this. We might start going in the morning instead of the evening now. Kind of early for us though - ha! =) -Aunt Susan

  5. Boy, I am behind in ordering cards! I need to get started up again, huh? Glad you are enjoying Summer's books now. How exciting you get to get on with your youth group. See you soon!

  6. Good grief! That is a beautiful card! I don't know what washy tape is, but it sure made that card outstanding!


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