
 Guess what..? I have officially posted 100 posts on my blog! It has been an amazing 100 posts and I can't believe that I have been doing this for so long! Of course by posts I mean my chapters and my posting about my day. 

Remember how I said I wanted to get a haircut? I got one today! I asked for it to be cut a little shorter than I had originally planned a couple days before but I love it😍! Here is a picture of me below with my new hair!
I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday. I was reading one of my friend's books. So if I don't post..just assume I am busy or I am doing that😁. Yesterday, we took a bike ride and I jumped on the trampoline... a LOT! Me and my brother have gone out there so many times that I can't even count! On the bike ride, we saw a couple of really cool Halloween-decorated houses. Here is a picture of one of the really cool ones below:
Today, I went to a friend's house at around noon and did some really crazy things! She has a trampoline too and she has sprinklers on it so while you jump you can be sprayed! It was so much fun! Then, we took it to a whole other level. We took shampoo and conditioner outside and washed our hair! This an alternate way of showering with your swimsuit on with friends! To act as the body wash, we squirted dish soap all over the floor of the trampoline and rolled around in that! Well..now I don't have to shower😂💦. Yeah, we did some pretty crazy and weird things😋. I pretty much spent the whole day at my friend's house and had a lot of fun! I think that's a wrap for this post! Have an amazing rest of your night! Oh...and more thing stay positive!  


  1. You had a pretty fun weekend! I loved our bike ride! My two favorite parts were seeing that cool Halloween house...and having YOU come along with us! Yes, Alexis does some pretty fun things with you when she has you over!

  2. That's a pretty wild day! You could hardly tell you got your haircut, but it does look nice.

    1. I agree, I didn't notice she got a hair cut until I read it 😝

  3. That person on the swing gives me the heeby geebies😆 and I like your hair cut 👍it looks really good!! Also, I can't believe you've made ONE HUNDRED posts 😮 has it really been that long??😅


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