Hi! Now, your probably wondering what this post is. Is it a post? Or is it something else? I didn't mention this new in any other posts so it is important enough to have it's own post. So now your probably like...'Seriously, what is it?' and the big news is......I AM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!! I am only going two days a week of course and we have to wear masks, social distance and wash our hands a lot. But it is still REALLY exciting news😀! I don't know about anyone else..but I have been a getting a wee bit tired of all the technical difficulties of distance learning, and I have also been wanting to actually see my teacher (I have never see my teacher before, only in recent years at my school roaming around the school..😕) I mean, who wouldn't want to actually be face to face with the person that is teaching them rather than on a screen? (Well, probably a lot of people but this is my case) This won't be any change to my blog, I will still be blogging every...