Chapter 33

 Chapter 33

My heart sinks. Her hair is up in a slick ponytail this time, her hoodie sways in the wind. She casually walks over to where we all sit, and sits down next to me. “Look, I didn’t want-” I sigh, she cuts me off. “I don't know what you are doing here, but I’m in.” she says confidently. “Don’t say nothing.” She says. I meet Will’s eyes and my heart does a weird fluttery thing, I ignore it. We both know that we’re already going to lose the fight that we didn’t even know we started. “I’ve been in battle training, everything. Trust me, I am the perfect fourth person to your group and the mission.” Amelia reasons. Battle training? She must really want to come with us. Silence drags on. I look up to the vast forest ahead of the stream we sit at. I see a silverish glint on one of the branches of the low-hanging trees. 

I cock, my head confused. Maybe it’s just some weird elvin fruit that I don’t know about yet. It probably is but I still want to go over to the tree, snatch the silvery glint. Before I’m thinking about whether I should go or not, I’m running in the stream, across the grass, and toward the tree. “Byleth where are you going?” I hear Will ask. I get up close to the evergreen tree. A tiny silver bottle attached to the tree branch by a thin red ribbon hangs there. I snatch the silver bottle and open the cork. A note lays inside along with a purple stone. “Wait up!” I see Nixon coming across the stream. I dump the bottle’s contents out on my hand, curious to see what’s inside. I hold the purple rhinestone up to the bright afternoon sun, it shimmers like it was mixed with a star. I read the note it says: 

Follow the realm that this stone creates, there 

The true answer you are looking for awaits

Realm? What kind of world is this? Nixon catches up to me, panting. “You threw us for a scare there, try to save your scares for another time.” He grins. His face turns ghostly white when he sees the purple rhinestone. “What is this by the way? Oh, and read this note.” I hand the note to him. He still stares at the purple stone, his gaze intense. He reads the note. “Byleth, I’m not so sure if you should trust this note, I mean we don’t exactly know what it will bring, do we?” Nixon questions. “Yeah but, what if this leads us to something that we’ve been waiting for? Obviously the person that wrote this note knows what I want. If they can give all the information about Lamia’s group, then we can finish a plan up for the mission in no time!” I reason. “Yeah but how could someone give us the information and not expect something in return? I mean, it’s not like they're gonna give us the stuff for free.” Nixon says, his gaze still transfixed on the stone. “Ok, seriously. What’s up with the stone?” I finally decide to ask. “Byleth, you're holding a stone that can teleport you.”    


  1. Oooh, fancy teleporting rock, crystal, stone thingy 😂. I keep thinking, don't go Byleth! It could easily be Lamia herself waiting, and who knows, the note might not even be ment for Byleth! What if it was ment for someone else who went to that tree a lot? 😉 oh the possibilities.

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    2. Lol. Rhyming letters! 😁 makes me think of the letters from The Black Swan, oooh! Maybe it's a secret organization LIKE the Black Swan that's going to help Byleth, LIKE the Black Swan helped Sophie!

  2. btw, Hailey published two chapters for Adventures in myth, Powers Unite, Book 1, series 1! Just so your aware 😋

  3. I am getting way to many ideas from keeper of the lost cities.....

    1. It's ok 😌 if you find anything like that I'm my series, just slap it in the comments, I would like to know 😋


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