Going to church for the first time in months

 I know I said that I would blog yesterday for last week but I completely forgot to and we came home late last night so I didn't have the time. School has been keeping me really busy lately. Anyway, I should problably start the post soon. On Sunday me and my cousins rode to a meeting spot with our grandparents to be picked up by my uncle. We had so much fun!😓 We couldn't believe that the week had passed by already and it was time to start school. That leads to what happened on Monday, we started our first day of virtual learning. I am now in 6th grade and my brother is now in 8th grade. I like my teachers so far but there has been quite a bit of technical difficulties. I eventually had to borrow a chromebook from my school cause the one I was using (the one that I blog on) wasn't working for zoom. On Tuesday, we reviewed some class rules and started to see what we would be doing in school. That night, we had our first middle school ministry and high school ministry service. I went with my cousin and we had a lot of fun. We didn't know much people since it was our first time in the middle school ministry but I can tell that we still had a lot of fun! For the rest of the week, we did distance learning. But, I would like to mention that I got a bullet journal! If you don't know what a bullet journal is, comment below and I can do a whole entire post about it! Here are some pictures of the bullet journal and the pens that I got alongside it below:

One thing I forgot to mention about Wednesday. That night we invited our cousins over for a movie night! We snuggled up in our living room for a nice night of watching together! Here is a picture of us below:

On Sunday, I was getting a little bored so I asked my mom if we could go to my cousin's house to swim in their community pool with them. She said she would ask them and they said yes! We all had a lot of fun playing games, practicing, and just plain swimming! Another cool thing that happened last week was when I got my new clothes! Here is a pic of the top part of my overall dress that I got (I was in the car so I couldn't get the whole thing😂)
Overall, I think my first week of distance learning was pretty cool. I would much rather be in actual school but this is what we have for now and we have to work with it. Sorry this was a late post. I have been busy lately with school so I haven't really had the time except for at night when I work on my chapter. Remember to comment below if you don't know what a bullet journal is! Bye! And remember, stay positive! 



  1. Wow, that is a really pretty bullet journal 😁. Glad you can go to church now! In our church we have been able to go to it, and every once in a while we do. But only a certain amount of people can be there and you have to get spots early (Plus there's all the new rules) so we normally just watch at home...đŸ˜„ I still don't really know what a bullet journal is.. Even tho u tried explaining that one time😅 -Hailey

    1. And you got an overall dress 😯 I wanna see how that looks irl 😂 -Hailey

  2. I can't believe you didn't include a picture of a completed bullet journal page!! Your pages have turned out amazing and so creative! Yes, it sure is nice to have access to a pool, which comes with fun cousins to swim with!

  3. Glad you got a lot of cousin time in on both sides of your family. Still not cleat on the bullet journal, but have seen a bit of Lauren’s.


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