Chapter 23

 Chapter 23: Now in William’s point of view

Ok, I knew she was shy but not that shy. Not the kind of shy to where she gets mad whenever I bring in a new person to the group. If she wants it that way then she can sulk in her room for the rest of the night and not be a part of the trip. If she wants it that way, she can not talk to me for the rest of this trip. I rip my hands through my hair. “Rejected.” Corrin comments. I roll my eyes. “Look, she’s just shy alright? She’ll cool off bro, eventually ahem.” Chris says, trying to cheer me up. “I guess I just thought she would like the idea of having extra protection. She didn’t even give me the chance to say why we recruited new men!” I throw my hands up in the air. “It’s fine, Will, I will go up and talk to her.” Corrin says. I nod. Corrin disappears after going up the long stairs. 

“Dude I feel like she’s totally into you.” Chris says. “Oh please, did you just see what she did? She just stomped off to her room” I say. “Whatever.” Chris says. I drum my fingers on the table. “Are there any other men that we can bring on our team?” I eventually decide to ask. “Maybe, there’s this guy named Nixon and he’s a great man.” Chris replies. I nod slowly. Just at that moment, a young man comes up to our table, his hair is a kind of blondish. “Hey there, I believe we haven’t met. My name is Nixon and I couldn’t help but hearing that someone mentioned me as a good man.” Nixon grins at Chris. 

“Well, that is what I hear. I am looking to recruit some men to continue our mission. Would you like to contribute to the cause?” I ask. “Well it depends.” Nixon says. “Alright alright I’ll do it. But on one condition, Chris tells me I’m a good man everyday.” Nixon chuckles. I nod and laugh. We shake hands and Nixon sits down. “So what’s up with this whole thing? What’s goin on?” Nixon asks. “Well, I believe that we have come to quite the problem here. Just a couple of days ago me and some fellow friends left the sunset tribe to scout out a hooded figure that seems to have drained our power. We went through the unknown territory, and decided to camp out here until we could figure anything better to do.” I explain. Nixon nods. “So you’re saying that you think this dude is on the real evil side, not just a criminal within the tribe?” Nixon asks. “Yes, we flew to the twilight tribe and asked a local if she saw anything. She reported to us that she saw a hooded figure drawing the power from the sunset.” I say. Nixon pauses. 

“So what if this guy is associated with Lamia? Everyone may think that she was killed in the war but what if she’s still out there? Building up her power to destroy us for good?” Nixon thinks aloud. “Yes, I believe that that is true. In fact, we saw Lamia in the forest when we were stopping by. She threatened us by capturing one of our friends.” I say, careful not to mention that she controlled anyone because then Nixon would know that I have element dragons with me. “Well, I think I know what to do.” Nixon finally says. “We need this to be as secret of a mission as possible.” Nixon says.

New update: From now on on Tuesdays I will not be able to post anything on my blog because I have church that goes late into the night and will not have time to blog.

And, here is some fan art of Byleth in her dress for the ball and queen Mataya in her first outfit.


  1. Yes! My fan art! 😊 hope u like them, I did what I said I'd do. So I drew Queen Mataya! I couldn't help but draw the fancy, detailed queen, she's definitely one of my favorite charecters! -Hailey

  2. Omg. I'm in the middle of working on chapter 23 for Gryphons war! 😮 and I've been working on Gryphons War since the third of February this year 😅 (Although u do short chapters, but your trying to do it every day and that's something I can't do 😆) loving your series ♥! I wish the whole book was done so I can read the whole thing! You put me in such suspense!-Brooklyn

  3. Great fan art! I love how they included, quotes!


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