Chapter 14

Chapter 14

I don’t expect this to be too hard, I just keep my guard up. “So, how did you feel about Ivory and Will?” Lamia asks me. “No, I didn’t feel great about that. But that doesn’t mean that you can just come in and control me. I can take care of my own problems without someone like you.” I snap. Lamia smiles, “I know you don’t like me, Byleth but I do know that there is a little part of you that wants me to take you away with me.” Lamia knows me all too well. I do feel a slight tugging in the back of mind, ‘C’mon, it won’t hurt. Just a little trip with the evil person, that’s all!’ But I knew that the voice was wrong. We silently walk past the trees, taking in the lush scenery. “One thing, straight and final. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you asking me so many things and just being nice? Villains aren’t like that.” I say.

“In those old human movies, villains are the bad people that kill everyone. Sure, I did destroy all of the dragon tribes but, the reason why is because that’s what my parents expected of me. They said that if I didn’t do something bad I would end up like a family outcast. You know how that feels, at your school with those girls. That’s how it was with my family. I had no choice but to do it for them. I hated watching people die, trust me I did. But, this was the only way not to be frowned at or scowled at the dinner table. This was the only way not to be an outcast. Byleth, I wish I was like any other dragon, just living in my tribe happy and safe. But now I can’t, I have to be the all powerful Lamia or else everyone else will think I’m a chicken.” A tear slips down Lamia’s cheek. I feel sympathy for her, I know what that’s like. “I’m so sorry Lamia, I didn’t know.” I apologize. Lamia nods with thanks. “I want to make things right but I know no one will forgive me. Byleth, you’ve been the only one that I can talk to. I wasn’t trying to get you on my side this whole time, I’ve been trying to get to know someone who understands me. You understand what it’s like to be expected to be really powerful.” Lamia emphasizes. “What can I do?” I ask her. “You have to convince your friends that I just want to be normal. Your friends will be the hardest people to convince, especially since they might think that you're being controlled. Can you do that for me?” Lamia asks. “I’m not sure if they’ll believe me but I guess I can try.” I shrug. Hopefully Will believes me. We take a walk back toward our meeting spot, talking about each of our lives. It’s actually pretty fun having someone to talk to. Lamia understands about me being an element dragon and knows how it feels to be power-hungry. Lamia tells me that she was in highschool once, not in the human world but here. “I remember there was this boy in my class that suspected I was an element dragon. He came up to me one day and confronted me about it. I told him that if he told anyone else, his new shirt would be burned to ruins.” We both share a hearty laugh. 

“I have a friend named Amelia back at Stathford and we just met. She’s really nice and I hope you can meet her one day. Do you think that Will would accept you into the sunset tribe with us?” I ask, getting my hopes up. “Oh, maybe but it depends on if he trusts me or not. I hope so though, we could hang out with each other all the time!” Lamia smiles warmly. I don’t know what to think of our new friendship. I still don’t really trust her, but I pretend to anyway. I hope she can’t read minds because I would be in big trouble if she found that I still don’t trust her. But, I guess I can see her reason behind doing something really bad. But still, forcing all of the dragon tribes to rebirth? No one can forgive her for that. I can imagine Will saying, “Don’t trust her Byleth, she’s manipulating you.” But I decide to push that thought away from my mind and instead focus on having fun with Lamia. “Are you sure that I can do this Lamia? I mean, my friends won’t believe me. I just know it.” I confess. “I am sure you can do this, granddaughter.” Lamia smiles


  1. Oooh! Byleth is a element dragon because her grandmother is one too! Does that mean she got it from her parents or her grandmother? Loving your series 😍-Brooklyn

  2. Granddaughter??!!! Aaah, that was so unexpected!! 😆 Wait, so Byleth's related to Lamia??! My mind is going though all the stuff now. Like, is it to where her human parents aren't her biological parents, but she doesn't know who her biological parents are. But if Lamia knows That Byleth is related to her then she knows who her true parents are, and it's either her daughter or son? ...


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