Memories and Mysteries
Today was an awesome day to just hang out with my family. In the morning, my dad joined me, my mom, and my brother on our daily roller skate ride. I was the only one who roller skated thoughđ. My mom fell down a couple of days ago and has not been wanting to ride until she has hands guards and my brother (Having sprain his wrist) has decided to focus more on running than roller blading. We were going along on our walk/ride and all of a sudden I said "Wait, do you guys have your masks?" My parents had forgotten their masks! My brother (Which is quite the fast runner) ran home and got a mask. After that, we arrived at the donut shop and ate outside. I did just dance for a bit when we got home and downloaded a new game on my computer called Animal Crossing Pocket Edition. Although it is only meant for downloading on a Nintendo switch and phone, you can still download it on a computer but the screen is shrinked. It's basically to where you are on an island and you create your own campsite. You can visit different places and make friends with animals by filling their requests for food, or materials. It's a lot of fun! Here is a picture of it below:
Another memory of today is when me and my family went to the cabazon outlets to shop for shoes and eat dinner. We got shoes for my brother and mom at New balance and ate dinner at Blaze pizza. The drinking machine inside Blaze pizza was closed because of corona-virus but we ended up getting drinks from wetzel's pretzel's next door to make up for it. I got a deep dish pizza with sausage, bacon, and pepperoni (Sounds good, huh? If I were reading this blog, I would go ask my mom for a snack) Also, the reason why I put the name mysteries in the title because there has been quite a few helicopters circling around our town lately. There was a hit n run a couple of days ago but the helicopters had been circling in odd places before that happenedđŹ. Well, on a higher note my omg doll and lol furniture set arrived today! Here are some pictures of them: (Sorry that they are in the wrong order, this blogging site wouldn't let me put them in the right order)
Tomorrow is going to be introducing my cousins to hard hiking! Thank you so much for viewing this post and stay positive! Bye!
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