A Father's day celebration to remember and cousin landing in America

Today, my cousins from Germany that have been missionaries there for quite a long time arrived to the United states. Sadly, they have to be quarantined for two weeks because they came from another country😟. Me and my family have been waiting for them to come for a very long time and I got out all of my focus on the family kids magazines to loan them. They are christian magazines for kids.  I ended up reading some of them this morning and here I am with one of them.
I have built quite the collection of magazines over the years and they have definitely been quite entertaining for me during the quarantine. I do not have any other pictures of what I did today because it was mainly playing with the quads and celebrating father's day. Me and my brother created a father's day slide to show him how we appreciate him and he loved it. Father's day is actually on Sunday, but we like to celebrate as a family a couple of days before because we celebrate with our grandparents on father's day. Sadly that is not happening this year. What are you doing for father's day? Comment below! Anyway, me and my friends have been finding leaked images of the series three omg dolls and here is one below! It is said that they are coming out in Target on Sunday...Stay tuned for when I get one of them!
Thank you so much for the comments and all the views! I hope everyone is loving my blog! Have fun and stay positive!😋


  1. Love it! I'll be making a card for dad, hehe, I'll bet your wondering who this is! (So hard to guess isn't it)😁


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